A Little Something We Can Do To Build Community

Ray's Perspective

Today is the Sixth Day of the SPOOKYASANA Yoga Challenge! Today's pose is Dancer Natarajasana.

Here on full display is something I wonder about. Why if I am half bald is the hair I have left so darn red. Of course I've grown to like it and will be sad to see it go, but usually hair vibrance retreats as age advances, so I count myself lucky, so far. Random people still comment to me how lovely may hair is when I am out and about. Ok, that happens more in Canada and Italy where people actually talk to strangers than it does in the US but sometimes it comes up around here too.

That reminds me. Evidently we live in an age where people feel isolated. All these various ways to communicate instantaneously and we are more alone than ever. What if we each made an effort to have at least one conversation with a stranger every time we left the house. I bet if we got in the habit of building these little bridges they would grow into a network that supports community. One little conversation at a time.

Skelly's Perspective

Whoa! You can see my energy is building as all Hallows Eve approaches. I hope to be positively spectral on the big night. But don't be frightened my sweet. Deep inside I'm  still just charming little old Skelly. Brewhahahaha!

Happy Sixth Day of Spookyasana!

This post is part of a series! To learn more about this Yoga challenge and win great prizes, get the rules here: Instagram Yoga Challenge

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