Working with Love

Day 5 for #liberatethyself with #EkaPadaSirsana or #FootBehindTheHeadPose. Today's Intention: I treat my work with responsibility, devotion, and care.
My teacher used to say if as a teacher you always approach the work with love you can't go wrong. I think this is true of most things. It is like the Fourth Agreement from @DonMiguelRuiz : Always do your best. It sounds so easy but how do you manifest it when you are tired, cranky or otherwise not in top form.

Doing today's pose I was struggling. Many years ago I used to be able to put my legs behind my head and I was frustrated that even though I was well warmed up I was not even getting close. I pressed on and tried to hold the leg up by my ear with one hand and made half a prayer position with the other hand by my heart and it looked super awkward. Then inspiration struck. I could make an ugly attempt at a pose that is lovely when done properly or I can make a lovely photo with my heart in the right place while doing something much easier.

In my spare time I may continue to strive to do the full pose but for today I have chosen to be loving with myself and share something that I think is beautiful. Sometimes doing your best means accepting your limits and hoping it is enough ;--)

Please note: The Purple 908 Sarong in the background is a comprehensive posture chart with 908 yoga poses created by #SriYogiDharmaMittra. You can find more information about it on my website The Tee Shirt is a sample I received many years ago from @iloveyogastudio_

Go to Instagram and check out these awesome people.
Gracious Hosts: @anitawinglee
Generous Sponsors: @citrinebeautyaz - skincare
@solosolmovement - yoga apparel
@goyogawear - yoga tops
@reikiwomb - dreamcatcher
@unconditionallovehat - scarf hat

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