Spooky Bendy Yoga Skellys Take the Caribbean Rest Cure

Spooky Bendy Yoga Skellys: The Flexible Yoga Skeleton

Bendy Yoga Skellys Centering In Preparation For Their Big Night

Bendy Yoga Skellys: Paparazzi find them on remote island....

In life these skellys were powerful jet setters and they still find they are drawn to their old haunts. They may be stuck with the clinging of mind for all eternity, but hopefully they will find the peace they need to move on to the next tier of existence.
Bendy Yoga Skellys on the Beach

Bendy Yoga Skelly: Flexible Skeletons for Eternal Fun!
You can help these skellys deepen their practice and find the closure they need. For more information about adopting your own bendy skellys visit http://www.yogalifestyle.com/MISpookyYogaBendySkeletons.htm

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